December 2022

Woman on scrolling on phone surrounded by social media icons.

Take Note of These Social Media Statistics

It’s no secret that many organizations find difficulty in attracting a surplus of qualified, motivated talent. Employers are required to be more creative (and generous) than in decades past. The data makes this clear. From September 2021 to September 2022, compensation costs for workers increased by 5 percent across the board. However, consumer prices rose

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Light bulb in view in front of employees meeting in a conference room.

3 Surprising Hiring Facts That Can Help You Reduce Turnover

Turnover is steadily increasing, and this is a problem for talent recruiters and HR process managers.  High turnover has a number of underlying causes. Some of these causes may be specific to an individual, some may be specific to an organization, and some are specific to an industry.  In a recent SHRM publication, HR professionals

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