Background Screening for the Staffing Industry

Because hiring never stops.

Service Overview

Female smiling as she interviews candidate. HR background check concept.

Hiring is a skill that requires due diligence, intuition, and intention. For this reason, many large organizations outsource their hiring to those who do it efficiently and effectively. Staffing agency employee screening is heavily relied upon by businesses that want a stable and dependable workforce yet don’t have the time and resources to dedicate to the task. Whether you are in the staffing industry or simply responsible for the hiring within your organization, it’s important that you choose a background screening provider who has your best interest in mind.

Customization. Communication. Compliance.

When it comes to background screening, there are some primary questions every staffer or hiring manager should ask:

  • What is being searched? Do I have options?
  • Can I get in touch with someone immediately if I have a question or concern?
  • Will my screening provider help protect me from disputes and litigation?
  • Can I trust the information I receive?

Since 1994, our screening processes have been continually refined to address and bring comforting clarity to each of those questions. Peopletrail has become one of the premier global screening providers due to flexible technology that allows for complete customization and ease of use, dedicated communication that never fails, and strict compliance to all laws and regulations, particularly those mandated by the FCRA. In short, Peopletrail diligently provides actionable insights you can trust.

Explore Our Services

Helping You With Your Unique Hiring Needs

With over 20 years of expertise, we work with organizations large and small, helping them build dependable workforces. When you partner with Peopletrail, you work with a top background check company that is invested in your hiring success. We keep things simple, compliant, and effective.