Many online businesses or even traditionally offline companies are now hiring workers online due to the pandemic or for other reasons. The process for hiring a remote employee is different, however. Let us take a look at some useful tips on how to hire a remote employee.
The Process of Hiring Online
If you are looking to secure a remote employee, then the first step is to advertise online. Many companies will create job listings and post them on a variety of websites such as LinkedIn or Indeed. Some positions are not advertised as widely but are found through blog posts on the website itself or when a company reaches out to someone directly.
After a given period, you will receive resumes, cover letters, or whatever required documents and data that you requested. You will have to go through them and choose from the best. It will take a while but eventually, you will get through everyone.
Screening the Candidates
Next, those who passed the initial screening can be given a test or multiple tests. This will further narrow down the candidate pool to show who the best of the best is. Serious candidates will put in the necessary time to go above and beyond the tasks they received.
Finally, there should only be a few candidates left. Now you can conduct a remote interview through video chat or text chat. The best candidate or candidates will be hired after you make a decision.
Some things to note are that every company is different, and the process might not be the same. Some companies do not require resumes or others who test candidates in more than one round. It is up to you to plan for the perfect test and hire a great employee remotely.
What to Know When You Hire a Remote Employee
Not everyone is suited for remote work, just like how some people do not like working in an office. It is important to keep this in mind and to account for it when you put out a job listing online. Eliminating candidates who do not seem to thrive in a remote environment will save lots of time.
A good remote employee should be good at communication since reaching them is not as easy. Most remote teams use text-based applications so good writing is essential. They should be able to text in both formal and casual tones as the situation requires.
Look for self-starters as well. Remote work requires efficient time management, and work should always be delivered before the deadline passes. Even if there is no work, self-starters will take the initiative and ask for something to do!
Since time management is harder for remote jobs, you can use certain software or applications that assist you. These can help streamline the workflow and save time. Mentioning that the company sets clear goals with communication apps and management apps tends to attract competent workers.
Incentivized Testing
Giving candidates paid tests is a way to reward them for spending time working on the tasks you assigned them. It also attracts more talent who want to prove themselves worthy of the position. Even if someone does not make the cut, they will feel that they at least gained something out of the hiring process.
Tests can take a few minutes or more than an hour depending on the task and nature of the company. Try not to administer a test that takes more than twenty minutes, unless you offer to pay them. However, a paid test is a great motivator for potential candidates to find the best.
Looking to Hire Remotely?
Hiring remotely is quite different from a traditional process. What do you think about our article on how to hire a remote employee? We hope these tips and recommendations are helpful in your search for the perfect candidate.
If the nature of certain remote jobs and industries requires background checks, you can get them from a reputable company. Not only does transparency increase your chances of being hired, but it also puts doubts to rest.
Get a Screening Quote for your remote hiring!